Stumble bleary-eyed from bedroom to the study/spare-room yoga mat, dog follows (pros and cons). Press the button on iPad for Headspace and/or Calm app. Try not to look at phone. Maybe burn a palo santo wood stick. Say a little prayer or write a bit in a gratitude notebook. Walk dog around the block in a fabulous coat over pyjamas. Shower, and put on de Mamiel Exhale Daily Hydrating Nectar SPF 30 and Dr Hauschka Translucent Bronzing Tint.
Then, log in. As a shop owner and designer, I was often out and about. Now it’s team Zoom meetings focussing on polishing our website and communicating with other neighbourhood businesses to support each other... I’m making three minute videos of How To Hand Wash… eg silk, lambswool (I love a bit of vinegar with baking soda in a bucket full of vintage whites). Now that my husband is at home to film and edit, they should be ready next week.
I’m also curating selections for clients who are curious about the WFH wardrobe protocol: waistcoats over collarless shirts for one who’s Zooming all day with global offices. A bumbag with sneakers for a lady in Glasgow who’s striding around communal gardens daily, and a lovely Singapore client needs lightweight dresses in pale colours.